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Hey,Yep, где reinstalling it (Using the WordPress admin UI) worked instantly because it removed some malware that was installed. I am using a multi site deployment but that should not make a difference браузер I think.However, after a couple of days the problem reoccurred because there was another piece of malware that I had not found yet offering a full web shell to онион the hackers, allowing them to reinstall the feed overwrite.Since then I have located the webshell malware, removed it and my site has ben “good” ever since. (I never was able to find the exact spot where the rss feed got corrupted. Since reinstalling WordPress solved that issue, I did not need to find that.)To find it, I looked through the apache log file for the WordPress site to find “weird” filenames that were accessed and I found a file called “ltooju.php” in the web root. The filename does look like it is auto generated and randomized though, but take a look at your web root for any weird names.Wkr,Jhon

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